
Barbecue Chicken Pizza Recipe

This is now one of my Friday night favorites, instead of ordering pizza or wings from Papa John's. It's cheaper and it tastes better than theirs anyway. It's surprisingly easy to make. I took the best of two recipes, combined them, and simplified the ingredients. I think this is the best way to make this pizza. One day I'll add pineapples and call it Hawaiian.

-1 12-inch pre-baked pizza crust (I use Boboli from Von's)
-1 cup of hickory barbecue sauce (I use the cheap Safeway hickory barbecue sauce from Von's)
-2 skinless chicken breast halves, cubed (use as much chicken as you want)
-1 cup of chopped red onion
-1 chopped green or red bell pepper
-1/3 cup of brown sugar
-1 tbsp. of honey
-shredded Colby-Monterey Jack cheese as desired

1. Preheat oven to whatever your pizza crust package says (probably 450). While preheating the oven, mix the barbecue sauce, the brown sugar, the honey, and the chicken in a pan and cook the chicken until it's done.

2. Spread the cooked chicken and barbecue sauce concoction over the pizza crust. Top with the red onion, bell pepper, and shredded cheese. Cook in the oven for 10-12 minutes, until the cheese is melted, or however long the pizza crust package says. As usual, cook on the rack for a crisper crust. Cook on a pizza pan for a softer crust.

Tomahawk, Quicktimed

I've rid my website completely of Windows Media files by converting my Tomahawk movie into a Quicktime file instead of a Windows Media Video (.wmv) file. Goodbye and good riddance to Windows Media player files on my site. What an assault on good taste and decency that horrible program is. I used Snapz Pro X to convert it. Who knows how many hours I spent searching the 'Net trying to find different programs to convert it when I had it all along. I can now convert any video file to Quicktime using that program.

Update: I've embedded the movie in this post:


SDPD at it's Finest

While purchasing my GameCube yesterday, I seen some cops parading around the mall parking lot on horseback, a couple hours after a jewelry store there got robbed. Not sure if it's related, but here's the photo. I'm the king of taking photos while driving. I had to get off the phone with Morgan, steer through the parking lot, and try to get this photo using my cell phone without the cops seeing me trying to get this photo. For some reason, when I take a camera out in public, everyone around me starts asking me questions and looking at me funny. You want to get some attention? Walk around in an urban area taking photos of things that people don't usually take photos of. People start talking real quick. One guy last week said he was going to sue me because he thought I was taking a picture of him. Seriously.

My question is...what the hell is a cop going to do on a horse? This is America, 2004. I don't think a cop on horseback is going to be able to fight a lot of crime that way. Maybe they ran out of funding for police vehicles.

Anyway, here's the cop photo:

That picture above...

...at the top of my website, that's a photo I took in Montana earlier this year while coming back from the Louis and Clark Caverns.

Screw Hotmail

Because I unabashedly hate Microsoft and pretty much anything dealing with Microsoft, I advocate that all people of intelligence get on the bandwagon and go with Gmail. I've hated Hotmail for as long as I can remember, and it's come to the point now that I'm actually going to consider finally dumping the Hotmail address I've had for so long and only use my Gmail account. It's got huge storage, it now offers POP3 support, and my spam goes straight to the trash. And it's one less substandard Microsoft product that I have to deal with. As soon as I get all my bills changed over to the new email address, I'll be changing my MSN Messenger account over. Never fear, I don't use the actual messenger (I use AdiumX), I only use the account because most people I talk to have that for their chat client. I'm just waiting for Google to release a good chat client.

Anyone who wants a Gmail invite, email me. It's still in Beta testing, so the only way to get one is by invite. Most people who want one already have one, but for great email, go with Gmail.

Mario Kart is Back!

I got another game console, the Nintendo GameCube. For $99, I got the Mario Kart bundle: a Nintendo GameCube, 2 first-party controllers, and the Mario Kart Double Dash game. That's not bad, considering buying an Xbox or a PS2 with a game and another controller probably starts off around $230+. Yeah, the Xbox is modifiable and it's the in thing, but I have a problem: I don't think there is any other game that compares to how much I am addicted to Mario Kart: Double Dash. I remember the first night I played Mario Kart 64 I stayed up until 4 am ditching all responsibilities and just having loads of fun.

I like the GameCube because it's small, simple, cheap, and FUN.

Must. Play. Now.


Turkey Chili Recipe

If I could only have one food to eat for the rest of my life?

That's easy. Pez. Cherry flavored Pez. No question about it.

Just kidding. (For the uninitiated, that's a famous quote from my favorite movie of all time, Stand by Me.)

Seriously, it would probably be chili. If there is one food that I can eat a lot of over a period of days, it's chili. About 3 weeks ago I was reading in Men's Health and they had a good recipe for some 3-bean turkey chili. Since then, I've made 4 batches of it and I think the best one is the one I made tonight. Let me give you the recipe and some tips on how to make it slightly better then the original recipe.

3-Bean Turkey Chili

-1 tbsp olive oil
-1 small onion, diced
-1 lb lean ground turkey breast
-1 can diced tomatoes with jalapenos
-1 10.5 oz. can each of chickpeas (garbanzo beans), black beans, and kidney beans - all drained (I couldn't find 10.5 oz. cans, so I just bought the regular size cans.)
-1 can of low-sodium chicken broth
-1/4 tsp each salt and cumin
-1/8 tsp each cinnamon and cayenne pepper

How to make it:
In a large pot, heat the oil on medium low. Add the onion and saute until soft (3-5 minutes). Add the turkey and brown it. Add the remaining ingredients. Stir and bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and let simmer for 20 minutes. Makes six servings.

Per 1-cup serving:
292 calories
30 grams of protein
32 grams of carbs
5 grams of fat (0 saturated)
11 grams of fiber
787 milligrams of sodium

That is the regular recipe. If you're so inclined, I would recommend using pinto beans vice garbanzo beans, but it's really up to personal choice. If you're making a double batch, you can make it with one can of each, then double cans of both kidney and black beans. Another tip: I would definitely recommend letting it cook for more than 20 minutes as the recipe suggests. At least 30 minutes, especially if you're making a double batch. I would also recommend buying oyster crackers and some shredded cheddar cheese to your shopping list for added flavor. Do NOT buy Von's oyster crackers, or regular crackers for that matter. You could also add some chopped bell pepper, but it's up to you.

And remember, chili is always better the next day.

SHHH! (or, Gary's Simple Guide to Cell Phone Ettiquette)

This is a great idea. (Link to a .pdf file)

I've probably tried to write some three rants that have gone off about ignorant cell phone users, but they never made it to this site because I just felt that it was too mundane of an issue to talk about. Nonetheless, this "Society for HandHeld Hushing" is a great social movement, and I hope it gets off the ground. I would like to see someone really rip into a cell phone user for being too loud and obnoxious. With the SHHH cards from the .pdf file, we can fight back, one cell phone user at a time. I think if I were talking on a cell phone and someone gave me one of these cards, I would think about that for a long time. Please, pass this around, cut them out, and use them often. I'll be carrying a few in my wallet, waiting for that special target for whom I silently just hand one of those cards to and smile.

I have a few beefs with cell phone users. Notice the operative word, user. I used to hate the cell phone idea altogether because I felt like it was too expensive, too intruding into my life, and because I didn't have the social network that required me to keep in contact with humanity at all times with a digital leash. That time has changed. Cell phones have also gotten cheaper, although it took a while. A bare minimum 2-line plan with the minimum amount of minutes is still $60 a month through Verizon. But hey, you're paying out the nose to basically be able to call anywhere in the world from, pretty much anywhere in the world. So I guess it's worth it. The other thing I don't like about cell phones is that the cell phone companies really do screw you. I get 400 minutes a month of peak calling minutes and I use about half of them, but alas, I don't get any rollover minutes. Zip. Zero. Zilch. 30 days is all I get to use 400 minutes. But if I ever go over, it's .45 cents a minute, even though I pay 60 bucks a month for 400 minutes and I use about 200. Also, if you use one second of one minute, it's considered a whole minute. And they charge you for the connecting time, too. I'll just be glad when I can get a cell phone plan that offers unlimited nationwide calling for a reasonable price. The day that happens is the day that most of the land-line phone companies would be losing their home phone market rather quickly. I'm sure there is some law that says they can't do that, but if they did, I'd be making my last call on my land-line phone to cancel it.

Aside from those things, the cell phone is quite possibly the greatest invention of the past fifteen years. But it doesn't come without it's social inconveniences.

That's where we get back to the obnoxious cell phone users that I hate so much. Yes, this is old hat for most of us, but I still can't, for the life of me, figure out how people can be so fucking rude while talking on a cell phone in public. I think part of the problem is that they view themselves as being in their own little world while talking on a cell, while ignoring the people around them. I think that's the meeting we had about paying attention to the world around you that most people missed.

Mostly I have a beef with these types of cell phone users:

1. Mr. I'm going to try to conduct important business with someone while talking to someone else on my cell phone. This is probably the most blatant disrespect you could possibly give the people around you, particularly the person you are dealing with and the people behind you in line trying to get on with their lives. If you are doing ANYTHING that involves communicating or dealing with another live human being here in the real world, GET OFF OF THE CELL PHONE.

2. LOUD CELL PHONE TALKERS AND ANNOYING, LOUD RINGERS. I can't tell you how much this pisses me off. One day while at my favorite local quiet cafe, I was sitting peacefully, enjoying a meal and strong coffee, and reading an intellectually invigorating reading assignment for my POLI SCI class. Everything in life was great. Then she walked in. A big, fat, annoying, old lady who is way too energetic and loud for her age. Her cell goes off and suddenly I'm whisked away to a forest of tweeting birds...oh wait, no, that's not it. It's that oh-so-ubiquitous nature cell phone ringer that is set way too loud for the average human hearing range. It's pretty much the opposite of a forest of tweeting birds. Then she starts chatting with her likewise overzealous friend who is meeting her for lunch. Oh joy. What does she want to eat, she asks the person on the other end of the line. So what does Fat Granny do? Much to my chagrin and annoyance, she places a confusing order for two people while carrying on a conversation on the cell. While trying to iron out the specific details of her friends carmel-chai-latte-with-soy-milk-only-but-only-use-half-the-chai-mix-so-it's-not-as-strong, I was watching her with an evil eye, gritting my teeth on coffee, and wondering how she has lived this long and still not figured out that LOUD IS ANNOYING. I'm sure she's a nice lady.

3. NEXTEL Phones and people who use the speakerphone on their cell in public. This is just plain stupid. First off, NEXTEL phones should all explode at once, along with all the factories that make them. It's a phone, not a walkie-talkie. Secondly, anyone who is rude enough to use a cell phone on speakerphone whilst in the midst of other human beings should just be shot on site. Now not only am I bothered by the dumb monkey that can't keep to a reasonable volume, I'm doubly angered by someone who isn't even here at the moment. They're getting beamed in via satellite and their voice pushed through a tiny speaker to bother everyone in the area.

4. People using the cell phone while driving and not using a hands-free headset. This one is a no-brainer, but I'm cut off without a blinker daily by these people. I won't belabor the point anymore, but I can assure you, driving while trying to carry on a conversation with Muffy in the middle of Friday traffic isn't good for posterity. I've read many news stories where wrecks (even fatal ones) have been caused by cell phones. You can break all the other rules I have set forth above while driving in the car. Be as annoying and loud as you want in your own car, but please, BUY A HEADSET or at least use the speakerphone that you just can't live without while in public. Chat until your tongue hurts, but goddamnit, keep your hands free and your brain and eyes on the road.

Let's review.

7 Simple Rules for Using a Cell Phone
1. Don't be loud.
2. Don't use the speakerphone.
3. Toss any Nextel phone you have out the nearest window immediately.
4. Do not conduct important business in the real world with anyone while talking on a cell phone.
5. Ditch the goofy ringers. And turn them down.
6. If you're going to take a cell phone call in the middle of a bunch of people, be courteous enough to step away to take the call and talk at a reasonable level, that being one where I CAN'T MAKE OUT WHAT YOU'RE SAYING.
7. If you're going to talk and drive, use a headset or use the speakerphone for what it is meant for.

For anyone wondering why this seemingly mild social injustice bothers me so much...well, I'll tell you why. I subscribe to the Henry Rollins school of thought that our lives are short. The more time that other people waste for me is less time that I have for myself. If you are causing me to shift my train of thought over to whatever you're doing, you're causing a problem and wasting my time. I can ignore pretty much everything else except sound. If you're an uncomely human being or if there is an advertisement that just begs my attention, I can just ignore it. But if it's sound, I can't ignore it. It's coming into my bubble and I have no control over it. If it's a conversation with another human being, I can't not listen. I've had eavesdropping wired into my system from birth. If someone is talking, I have to listen, even if it is just listening and not hearing. (Another good argument for buying an iPod to use while in public places...I often use mine at the grocery store.) That, and I like my piece of mind. When someone around me is talking loudly, it grates on my nerves. You are invading my brain and I don't like it! Get out! Ok people...I know that going out in the world basically means that you accept certain social problems as a part of daily life. That's fine. I get that. But there is a line and I'm drawing it.

Well that's it. I finally got through my rant and somehow I feel cleansed, but I know tomorrow brings another day of annoying cell phone users. I have already cut out the SHHH! cards and I plan on handing them out to random rude people as I'm out and about. If I actually do run across someone who is rude enough to provoke me to give them one of the SHHH cards, you will hear about it here. Happy talking.


More Flickr Photos

I just uploaded some new photos to Flickr. This time, it's some rather noir photos of North Park late on a Saturday night.