
My Newspaper Years

Back in my formative years as a young High School journalist, I wrote a few articles for two separate HS papers. The first one was for the Triumph at Conroe High School in Conroe, Texas. The second was for the Trojan Torch at Dyersburg High School in Dyersburg, Tennessee. At Conroe HS I was going to become the editor of the paper my senior year, but we moved for the fourth time in almost as many years, to the bustling metropolis of Dyersburg, TN. At Conroe HS I was in love with journalism, but I had a parental unit bugging me to play basketball. I would sit up at night thinking about working on a newspaper in the real world and becoming known and my dad wanted me to be the white Micheal Jordan. I finally gave up sports for good against my father's wishes and concentrated on journalism and drama. During my time at Conroe, I had a front page story about every other month. It all fell through when I had to move to Dyersburg. I had a bad taste in my mouth from relocating, yet again. Most of that High School already had their cliques and I didn't fit into any of them. I had a couple of friends and found things that one finds in those years that I probably shouldn't have.

The articles that the other people wrote were basically bland generality writing, much like most writing in High Schools and most "noteworthy" city newspapers. What I had to write were articles that I was not interested in, but had to write. These are the filler for the majority of papers from here to China. Looking back on it, I did well considering my age. One article stood out as a testament to how much bullshit I was full of: an article about voting. I haven't voted yet and I never will. But I wrote an article defending the act of voting. It is an exercise of slight dishonesty to write something you don't really believe in. But I was a chameleon. I could have written anything I wanted and been happy with it, no matter how much it didn't fit me. Going back through the articles now, I wrote a lot of things I don't ever recall writing. Once in a while I got to write an article I wanted. Below is one such article. I still believe every word of it.

(More commentary at the end of the article)


Are we a nation of voyeurs? Has our culture and generation been brainwashed by the media, politics, and religion? When you were probably growing up, you probably had to recite the National Anthem, and you were told to think that America is the land of the free. Think again.

From an early age we are first brainwashed by our parents. A child has no preconceived knowledge of whether he is right or wrong, so he has the notion that his parents are ultimately right because they are the parents. And any rebellion or act that may be deemed as inappropriate results in a reprimand of some nature which leads to guilt and feelings of worthlessness becuase the parent is always right. The child is led to believe that what he or she did was wrong in their eyes.

The same thing goes for school and church. The people at the top are constantly telling people what to do.

So at an early age we have been brainwashed by what we're being told. After we are used to being on our knees for so long, we might as well stay there and keep bowing down to everyone at the top, right?

After we've been hooked in the mouth and dragged around by what everyone else tells us, we are used to doing what everyone else tells us. Why think for yourself when you can have others do it for you?

This leads right into politics and the media. You are told in the beginning that everyone in this country is equal. But with capitalism the golden rule is if you work hard enough you will be better than everyone else. How old were you when you first heard "everyone is equal."

Along with capitalism is consumerism, which is led by advertising of all forms. We are led to believe that if you don't buy certain products such as Guess jeans and Tommy Hilfiger shirts, you won't be quite as good as everyone else. You certainly don't want to be left out, so you buy them. It's all a scheme to make you buy a product by making you feel as if you don't fit in if you don't. Are you a victim of such schemes?

The media has its own way of brainwashing. When you watch the news you are led to believe that what reporters say is true because you do not know any better.

Imagine if there were a TV channel that almost all age groups and had all the "coolest shows." There would be shows about dating for the younger people. This channel would explore the sports world for all you jocks out there. And this channel would even have stories about living in the real world.

This same channel is in conjunction with another network that shows programs for young children all day. Then imagine this same channel being a firm advocate of voting rights in politics by allowing politicians to voice their opinions periodically to get to the younger generation. Characters on this channel even ride around chasing Mr. Clinton all day in a big red and blue bus, and then play all the really cool videos!

In case you haven't guessed it, the first channel is MTV and the other channel is Nickelodeon.

The media is one of the worst forms of mental abuse. But don't forget, is a newspaper not a form of media? Have I brainwashed you into believing me? My purpose is not to say that everything is a lie. I'm saying don't believe anything until you question it first. Perhaps what I've said here is all lies. Read between the lines and decide for YOURSELF.

[end of article]

After just typing this article for my site:

I haven't read this in years. I can't believe that they let me print it. It's what de Sade called "incendiary prose." Prose, I don't know about, but it was incendiary. It was an opinion article, but still. I claim that most people are brainwashed by their parents. I claim that America is NOT the land of the free. I claim that churches, schools, politics and the media brainwash people. True on all counts. But NO ONE IS SUPPOSED TO KNOW! I remember getting into an argument with some female on our newspaper crew claiming that my article was bullshit, that she didn't buy things because she was brainwashed, yap yap yap. We've all heard it. She's probably still as boring and brainwashed as she was then.

At the time, I had just moved out on my own and I was smashing every sacred cow I could find with a sledgehammer. The height of the High School clique stress and being anxious to get out of high school created this article. I was so close to freedom...

Now I've been out on my own for over 6 years and I'm still the same way. I don't rebel as much outwardly. Inwardly, I'm a volcano. I sit here reliving all the old memories, hoping to one day be at the desk of a major newspaper or magazine expressing my opinions again to a bigger audience. And, I will.

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