
2 David Simon Interviews

From an interview with David Simon:

I had been warned that an evening with Baltimore's finest might prove punishing. 'One thing you've got to know about the homicide detectives,' said David Simon, the creator of the cult television series The Wire, 'is they can drink more than anyone else. They taught me how to drink in a year. They taught me how to drink the morning after a night of drinking. In one year of working with them, my liver swelled to twice its size.'
And another:
But if the cop has nowhere to put this nightmare, where does the man standing next to him with the notebook put it?

“I think I started putting it in the same place the detectives do. Which is, I can remember with great precision the first murder scene I went to,” he says. “I can remember everything about Kenny Vines,” a drug dealer found murdered at the start of the book. “He's fixed in my mind. Kenny Vines and me are going to the grave together.” Simon must mean it. Because it's 20 years later and the name is right there, and I can practically see the body in front of his eyes.
I still remember reading the chapter in Homicide describing the first time he went into an autopsy room. Chilling.

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