
Link Dump

Oishii is pretty cool and just got me into understanding more about Delicious. Oishii is:

I frequently find things that people are linking to very interesting, and thought it would be nice to slap together a system that could tell me, automatically, what lots of other people have just bookmarked. Thus, oishii was born. Oishii is kind of a del.icio.us mini-zeitgeist. oishii! polls the del.icio.us front page every 5 minutes, and returns all sites bookmarked by at least 30 people.

Family Guy Blog

Writing Guide from the Economist

Flickr Booty: Flickr's Fabulous Females

Google Blog

Google Maps has a new feature in addition to satellite - hybrid: maps and satellite simultaneously.

How to make the perfect Omelette

How to make the sandwich from Spanglish

Everything you Know About Grilling is Wrong

100 Quick and Easy Healthy Foods

NY Times 50 Best Websites of 2005

Wired Story on Housing Maps, a way of mixing Google Maps and finding apartments.

50 Smartest Things to do with your Money

The Girlfriend Pics Archive

Saved the best for last.

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