
This Last Weekend Completely Sucked

Let's see if I can't recap this shitty weekend in a nutshell.

-By far the worst thing that happened was that our small house was attacked by a skunk. The bedroom smelled so bad that we had to sleep on the living room floor Friday and Saturday night.

-I bought a shitty smoothie maker instead of using my old blender that for the most part worked just fine. Let me tell you, the smoothie makers with the goofy dispensers on them aren't worth shit. It's best to stick to a really good blender, and if need be, replace the blades and be happy with it.

-After my command already approved my house/job hunting leave of 20 extra days of paid vacation, a certain someone in Admin pointed out that I was not allowed that privilege, and much to my chagrin, promptly cancelled said vacation. I was not pleased about this. Now I will be staying in the shithole known as San Diego until the 26th of June.

-I had to write an 8 page research paper about why gambling is causing serious social problems in Las Vegas. Fun stuff. I only have to write the last paragraph on that paper, tidy it up, then turn it in. After that, I have to do a Math final on Thursday night, then it's time to party because I have a 4 day weekend.

-Morgan's iPod died.

/end of report. Over and out.

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