
Free Time at Night

Another thing I realized lately is that for the past 10 years, I've been doing my best to get ahead. It's not possible for people to live a normal life where you do a 9-5 job, go home, and have a decent living. It just doesn't happen. For instance, I really hated this semester in college. I hate Math and I hate English. The problem is, I really don't care. I don't give a shit about Math because I get by. I don't need Math that much in my daily life, and when I do, I figure it out. English is just boring. English 101 should be where on the first day of class the teacher gives us the writing assignments and due dates. I didn't need to attend class once. I would have written the same paper every time: a B+ paper written at the last minute, just in time for class. A few more tweaks here and there, and maybe even a really hard proofread/revision and I could have gotten an A. Again, don't care. But what all this made me realize is that people don't just go to work and go home. No. In high school, most children have some extra curricular activity that they are involved with after school. I did drama, journalism, and a held a job working 30+ hours a week. Then I joined the Navy. After I got out of boot camp, I had to go through some pretty hard schooling because you weren't allowed to screw up hardly at all. Yes, we were on shore, but it wasn't that easy. Then I went to a ship, where a good portion of the time I had to spend at sea. After that, I took off 6 months to do nothing. And, I did nothing. I went to work and came home every day. Then I started school and I've been doing that every semester since then for 3-4 nights a week. And it fucking sucks. Why? Because I want free time. I want to go to work, get home, and have ZERO obligations. I just want to come home and be able to cook a good dinner without worrying about school or homework or anything else. But it isn't just me. Most people do some after school activity in high school. Then they go to college if they are lucky. Then they have to deal with schoolwork and a part time job that they hate. Then they graduate and have to start the workforce. If they do well enough, they might actually get a good job. For a good majority of people, a year or two after that they have children which of course require constant attention. Suddenly, your free time has vanished, along with any hopes of leading a normal life.

So, I want my free time back. Because of that, I am taking a little while away from school to concentrate on other, more important things. If it weren't for the whole degree thing, I probably would never set foot on a college campus ever again.

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