

From a message board on a website I frequent:
"Am I the only one left here? Jeez, I know it's nearly Xmas but this seems to be the worst year yet for people 'vanishing' from the internet."
I think it's true. Almost all of the non-news websites I visit seem to have shut down for a few weeks. Only about one update a week or less, from what I can tell. I'm no different. Even people that post updates daily have slowed down or even stopped. My message board has been vacant for almost a week now. I just haven't been up to writing anything. I think the majority of it is just too much consumption, period. People drink more, eat more, sit around more, watch movies more, and just in general, don't feel very creative. At least that's what's happened with me. My most creative times are when I'm not thinking about doing other things, like buying Christmas gifts or figuring out a way to send them home. Don't worry, this website isn't the only thing I've neglected. I haven't done my laundry yet, either.

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