
Prediction Outcome

Alright, so it wasn't that hard to predict, but I was close. The article I read said, "The official cause of death listed on Jones' death certificate is an irregular heartbeat because of a stress reaction from the violent physical struggle." They didn't say that it was from a heart attack, but I'd say that's pretty close. Here's my two cents: people are bitching that the cops shouldn't have used excessive force to subdue him. Well, as many  others and I have already pointed out, had he not put himself in the situation to be beaten down by cops, he wouldn't have been. Do I agree with police brutality? No. Do I think there are corrupt cops? Yes. And you'd be a dangerous fool to think otherwise. But this was neither.
Today at work I was semi-laughingly (I can't tell if the guy was joking or not) called a "white racist" for my views on this matter. I stand by my views regardless. I'm tired of two things. One, for people getting outraged at police for doing their job in a manner that they were taught. Two, for these minority watchdog groups that are whining every time "the honkey is keepin' the brotha' down." This brotha' kept himself down. Sorry, I don't buy that he was a productive, healthy member of society and happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I don't see how it is that ordinary citizens can bitch about something like this. It's like you have a crackhead who gets done robbing a few houses, then gets caught and has to be taken down with police batons, then cries over police brutality. Cops are called to do a grisly job that normal citizens won't do, then they bitch about it. Granted, Nathaniel Jones was not armed. [I read that] in the police academy you are taught that if a perpetrator gets your gun, there is an 80% chance they will use it against you. From what I read, he almost had the one cop in a headlock and said, "My mother taught me this." Now how far is that scenario from him getting the gun and using it? He was trying to get the one cop's baton as it was. Then I read where someone said, how far do they think this unhealthy guy is going to run? Doesn't matter. If you charge a cop, that's reason enough for them to put you to the ground.
Another thing I found funny is how much the media pounced on this story when it first came out and now it's on it's way out of the newsrooms. I thought it was going to blow up into something big, but luckily it hasn't. The media doesn't tell the whole story anyway. They do whatever it is they can to make the story sound as bizarre as possible, without overstepping their boundaries. Meaning, they leave out certain information to where they aren't lying, but they aren't telling the whole story.  Like how they didn't show the beginning of the tape where Jones had attacked the cops and called them racial slurs.
I think the only reason we haven't seen rioting is because maybe the community doesn't totally agree with the argument that he was a poor, helpless individual that police murdered without reason. If they do riot, let 'em bitch all they want. Doesn't change a thing.

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