
Fat Man Has A Heart Attack

I originally wrote a rather large diatribe about this supposed police brutality case in Cincinnati, OH. On a discussion board from a news site from Cincinnati, a black police officer from Columbus, OH said this:
"Wow. How many of you folks have actually seen the entire video? I read these posts and its very apparent that many of you don't have a connection with reality. I'm a Black police officer in Columbus Ohio, and if I had been dealing with your Cincinnati citizen, I would have reacted in a similar fashion. It's just extremely likely that I would have stopped him earlier because I will not tolerate his kind of resistance. It interferes with my primary goal of going home to my family. I invite you critics to move to my city. This is some of the most unbelievable crap I've ever heard.
As police officers, we are sworn to protect the general public. That means that when any situation gets out of control, we're the folks who are called to bring order back to the area. If an individual, regardless of color or sex, presents a threat to the public at large... I am obligated to deal wtih it so YOU don't have to.
The male suspect involved in this situation was an obvious threat. He was a threat to the public - who called the police - and presented a threat to the police once they arrived. Anyone who believes excessive force was used should move to some areas of the southern United States, where things can get interesting (even for us cops) very quickly.
You folks who are complaining about this incident need to wake up. If you were directly in the line of this guy's rage, you would not be here to complain about anything... but if I killed him in your defense, his family would still be here with a multimilliondollar lawsuit against myself, my family, and my department.
When that suit comes MY way... I'll pass it on to YOUR family for being idiots."

Because I thought there were too many angles and too much stuff to comment on about the case, I ditched the idea. Instead, I'll just strip it down to the prediction: the guy died of a heart attack after police subdued him due to drugs and the commotion with the cops. It's obvious that most people that are crying wolf about the race issue or police brutality haven't been put in charge of defending anything with a weapon. First of all, a baton doesn't do that much damage, especially when they hit him in the torso. He was FAT. Enough said. I'm just tired of people whining about police brutality. You want to stop police brutality? Be nice to cops. I have yet to hear of an incident of a cop beating down a polite citizen. When that day comes, I'll cry that they are beating up people without reason. If you are high on PCP/cocaine, 400 pounds, and trying to tackle cops, they have every right to subdue you and you deserve everything you get.

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