
8 Things All Humans Should Start Doing NOW

This is my plan to change the world. But it's only a start.

I know, I know...who are you to tell other people what to do? Well, I have a website, and you're reading this...figure it out.
I've never been much of a philanthropist. I don't want to change the world. I don't like to tell other people how to live their life. Until people start getting in my way. I could care less what you do until you start interacting with me. Then you're on my time.
Here's my proposal for changing the world for the better: 8 things that people can start doing yesterday that would change our everyday lives for the better and help us EVOLVE. Order of importance isn't important. I know these have all been said before...but I've compiled the list to make it easier to see it clearly. Print this out, put it in your wallet or purse and study it diligently. You and everyone else can thank me later.
Just so you don't think I'm too big for my britches...I'm not perfect. I know that. But I do my best to do these things so when I'm looking back, I can say I did my best to do my part. I'm just trying to amplify and fast-forward social darwinism.

1. Pay attention
Most people do little to notice the little details in life. Open your beady eyes and have a look-see at the world around you. See the forest and the trees.

2. Move faster
I'm constantly behind someone who has decided that it's time to go into heroin-peak mode. Blank stares and open mouths. Get a move on it. Don't marathon through life...just up the average time it takes to do simple tasks. Become an EFFICIENT human being.

3. Read more
Put the remote down.

4 . Think outside established parameters
Most of the things I learned in kindergarten were false. Take all your preconcieved notions about the world and remember to forget them. Restructure your mind. Amp up your thought processes. It's such a shame to meet someone only to realize you've been meeting them for years with different names and faces: stock humans.

5. Stop breeding
We do not need more people. Whoever taught you that multiplying humans was divine didn't have a life, so they wanted to play a major role in someone else's tot memories. The more people per capita, the less space and worldwide resources for everyone. Get the shot. Take your pills. Cover your dick. I don't want to see another crumbsnatcher again. Note: I don't have anything against kids or responsible people having them. Responsible adults who agree to have a child and have the ability and financial backing to do it, fine. Have all you want. It's the hordes of unwanted, misbehaving, loud rugrats at Wal-Mart that bother me.

6 . Speak clearly
Shutup. When you talk or write something, say it with clarity. Build your vocabulary. Think before you speak and say what you mean.

7. Do something
Get an agenda. Get a job. Get a life. Wake up in the morning with purpose. Life beating you down? Stand up and beat it's ass. Go through life like a Panzer tank.

8. Demand quality
You're going to die soon. Do you want to look back on your life only to realize that you've been content with accepting third-rate everything: phony people, rotten relationships, bad service...the list goes on. If you aren't happy with something, change it. If you can't change it yourself, be as LOUD as you can about it until it's changed.

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