
Fat Fingers

The whole thought of this just makes me laugh.

People who can't figure out how to spell or too lazy to use the dictionary are putting items on eBay that are spelled wrong, thus causing significantly less traffic to their auctions. It's kind of an ironic revenge for this video game generation of leet-speak morons who think it's kool to mizzpell wurdz and stuf.

While they may not be the most intelligent sellers, the buyers can benefit from this as it usually means much lower prices because there will be less traffic, thus less bids. Fat Fingers is a website that helps you find things that are misspelled on eBay.

Just to test it out, I typed in the word "Apple" into the search to see if anything came up. Sure enough, an auction titled "Aple PowerBook 145/150 Rechargeable Battery M5653" ending in 21 minutes for $7.99 a piece, with 5 available. No bids. Granted, I think it's an older PowerBook battery and someone could still find it by typing "PowerBook", it still makes me wonder how someone could misspell the word "apple"? Perhaps it was a mistake. Dat's why you proofread and have a browser that comes with an integrated spell check.

While I thoroughly loathe the evil eBay/PayPal machine and prefer not to use them myself, I think this is a great way for smart people to take advantage of the lazy/dumb ones.

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