
Stickin' it to the Man TWICE

Here's a great interview (mp3 25.9mb) with Seth McFarlane of Family Guy. He talks about Family Guy and American Dad obviously, but what he really focuses on is how the current administration in the White House has really came down on free speech. He recommends that if you want to see Family Guy on TV in the future without any more hassles, vote for Kerry. If there is anyone that knows about what the current administration is doing, it's someone that has been cancelled from TV. Other news of note: American Dad will do a premiere (hopefully) immediately following the Super Bowl and it's regular season will start sometime in April. The new Family Guy episodes don't have an official release date yet, but Seth McFarlane guesses that it will be sometime between March and May.

And even more edgy is this audio clip (mp3 16.5mb) of Howard Stern taking on the chairman of the FCC. Ironically enough, one of Howard Stern's friends called him to tip him off about Michael Powell (son of Colin Powell, imagine that) being interviewed on a radio station. So what does Howard do? He calls up the radio station and asks to be put through to talk to him live on the air. It's funny to hear the guy taking the call when he first realizes who it is that's calling in. This is definitely worth listening to because Howard Stern really surprised them and really that's the only way to go about getting the real story because Michael Powell was forced to answer questions live on the air without any preparation. I think Howard Stern should be commended for this stand against the FCC because I've heard that what happened wasn't even his fault. Someone called in and started saying a lot of things that were inappropriate before anyone could really do anything. Then the thing with Janet Jackson and the rest is history.

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