
Extra Credit

Here's a photo of a bum, after digging through my apartment dumpster. I almost got a good photo of him actually digging through the dumpster, as he was making a lot of racket, but the camera kept focusing on the window screen.

I sure hope he got all the beer cans I left in there. I try to set them aside out of consideration for those less fortunate, but I don't always remember. Usually I end up throwing a few in the trash instead of saving them to set aside, on accident of course. And because I don't usually drink that much to have a separate bag set aside for that. After a long night of drinking, sometimes I'm just lucky they got to the trash can at all. For the bum, those are the extra credit cans. At least I don't buy bottles. That's because I'm a nice guy who looks out for the bums of my 'hood.

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