
Another Switch

If all the stuff I write on this website promoting Macintosh isn't enough, here's a good story (and a follow up post) from a 15-year Microsoft employee that switched completely to Mac over the past 3 years, excluding of course some Windows computers for work. This is a good story mostly for the fact that the guy is a Microsoft employee who can't stand Windows.

Some highlights:

Or maybe I have just had enough of the problems that come with Windows. Maybe I am sick and tired of the viruses, spyware, security holes, buggy software and device drivers, and all the other time wasting problems that seem to occur more on Windows than any other operating system.

His wife and son both hate Windows:
My wife and son won't even touch my Windows laptops. I gave one to my son, and he gave it back.

While I admit that there is quite a good reason why some people may have not liked Apple through the 90's, there is many, many reasons why one should switch to Apple now. This guys testament is proof. Apple is now better than ever, and in every category except possibly gaming, continues to exceed anything Windows could ever offer.

Perhaps this has something to do with the audiobook about Steve Jobs that I'm currently listening to (The Second Coming of Steve Jobs), and I'm learning what happened in the early days of Apple and Microsoft. It was just dumb luck that Microsoft made it to where it is today, and even more impressive that they continue to prosper with their hodge-podge patched together software that is riddled with vulnerabilities to spyware, viruses, and pop-ups. Apple computers deflect these problems out of the box. Every Apple computer is a symbol of Steve Jobs personal vision of what a computer should be: simple to use, intuitive, and elegant to look at. It's everything that Microsoft isn't and will probably never be.

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