
What's on my iPod?

Here is the complete listing of every artist, album, and song on my iPod. Not everything on my computer is actually on my iPod, but most of it is. For instance, the William Gibson audiobook for Neuromancer that you can find at the Aleph, is not on my iPod because there are 8 sections, all of them 40-50 minutes long each. That, and a lot of B-side music for albums that I only listen to a couple songs aren't on there, just to save space. My computer has 2819 songs, would play for 8.5 days, and totals 12.42G. My iPod has 2531 songs, would play for 7.5 days, and totals 11.2G of music.

The other thing is, I went through all of my CD's last weekend, (which total up to approximately 372), and I put just about everything I knew I would listen to on my computer. I would say that I only have maybe a little more than half of the total on my computer at the moment, and slightly less than that on my iPod. So what happened to the rest? Well, some of them I bought and I just don't listen to. Some of them are complations that turned out having a couple of songs I initially liked, then just gave up on. A lot of those are soundtracks, too. Most soundtracks that I own I do not listen to. There are some interview disks, some of it is horrid classical, and some of it I bought as compilations just on a whim that turned out to just suck. So, to make a long story short, about half the music I own I actually listen to. Then there's that whole thing of how you change music preferences as you get older. I won't say my overall style changed, but some of the bands I used to like I don't anymore. And there's some, like AC/DC, that I will always love. Back in Black was my first tape, and I still own it.

As you can see, it's scratched up where it's went into the tape deck so many times...ah, the good ol' days...

And as you can see, the times have changed...

What I listen to now is about the same size as that tape...

...but it can hold 500 times the amount of songs on that AC/DC tape.

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