
Patton Oswalt

Since I browse the Jim Goad Netjerk Lounge (click lounge on the left of his site) a couple of times a day, I have come to like a comedian named Patton Oswalt. After reading his many posts over there about his comedian/non-comedian stuff, I noticed a recent one about his new CD that comes out Tuesday June 29th called Feelin' Kinda Patton that he is promoting by saying, "Christians Hate Me, Now It's Your Turn!" He has two sample mp3's [one] [two] from it on his site so you can preview it. Since he actually answers his own email, despite being fairly well known, I figured I'd ask him in so many words if he was going to have his new CD on iTunes. He replied that he would look into it. So with any luck, people will get to purchase Patton Oswalt's first comedy CD on iTunes. I will be buying it next week either way, but I thought it would be cool to have it on iTunes, just to get a wider audience base. Besides that, I really try to promote iTunes considering some people I have met don't even know what it is.

Anyway, Patton will be on Jimmy Kimmel, Conan O'Brien, and Loveline next week. This is probably the only reason besides Seinfeld that I'm going to keep my new TiVo for Mac, the EyeTV, because once in a while something good might actually come on TV that I want to record.

Reading the diary/blog entries on his site, I found this to be the funniest one, where he addresses his short absence from the site:

"Yes, I know. I will try to stay on it. YOU try doing regular diary updates when you've adopted two adorable black kids, are writing an opera, and are caught in the coils of opium addiction."

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