
Woman Blames Self For Lot in Life

Disassociated Press - 62 year-old Michigan native Pam Westerman announced Friday at a ten year family reunion that she blames herself for her position in life.

"A lot of people want to point fingers and say that it wasn't their fault for where they are in life. I am different in that I accept who I am and what I've accomplished, even though it's not that much in comparison to some people," Pam said eagerly to a surprised group of family members.

Pam's sister was quick to point out that she's a great person and doesn't understand what brought on this attitude. "The last time I seen her she was doing fine. I don't know if it's the onset of age, but one should never take responsibility for one's own actions, no matter what the cause. Always find a way around it. I did. Now I don't feel bad anymore. It's someone else's fault, not mine."

A short interview with her concluded that she's just a woman who has accepted who she is for better or worse. "A lot of people want to be victims of society and blame others for how they turned out. I think that's bullshit. A lot of people can't handle life on life's terms. If you can't handle the game, get out." Frank, but true.

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