
I'm Bored

"You know how I know it's the end of the world, Lenny?"
"No, tell me."
"Because everything's already been done, you know? Every kind of music's been tried, every government's been tried, you know? Every fuckin' hairstyle, fuckin' bubblegum flavors, you know. Breakfast cereals, every type of fuckin'. You know what I mean? What are we gonna do, man? How are we going to make another thousand years for Christ sake? I'm tellin' you man, it's over. We used it all up."
-from the movie Strange Days (1995)

Strange Days has always been one of my favorite cyberpunk flicks. I've always liked this quote because it illustrates how bland everything is getting in one way, and in another, it's getting worse. Every day the media serves up another healthy dish of paranoia as we hear of grisly deaths done in a new way. One recently happened in Germany where a man allegedly put up ads on the Internet for a well-built male so that he could perform a consensual, ritualistic cannibal killing, and he did it and taped it. I won't go into the details, but it's sickening. This reminds me of how far we've come as humans. Nothing is shocking anymore, so people go further and further to get attention. Think of the sniper killings. That had a whole metropolitan area who wouldn't leave their house for fear of getting sniped. It's depressing and there isn't anything you can do about it. Similar things are happening in Ohio. Killers aren't just satisfied with basic killing. Now a killer has to compete with past killers. Don't expect the news to get any happier. I used to ignore the news, but it's hard not to anymore. Bad shit happens to otherwise decent humans daily. I don't know if the world is getting worse or it's just more televised. 500+ channels brought to you through a little wire coming through the wall, all in high-definition technicolor.
We've made a lot of advances in technology, but we're starting to see a lot of things rehashed. Movies are getting boring. I classify movies into one of 4 categories:
1. They just flat out suck, original story or not.
2. The movie is a remake/add-on/similar to another movie already made.
3. The movie is decent, but is so overdone that by the time you're done watching it you're bored of it and watching it again would be a waste. No balance.
4. The movie is original, balanced, not too overdone, and is considered to be a good movie.
I used to remember a time when at least 2 out of 3 movies that I watched were worth my time. Now it's probably 1 out of 4 or worse.
Music sucks. I haven't listened to a CD by a band that came out after 2000.
Do I even have to talk about TV? The only time I watch TV is if I know something is going to come on that I will like, usually interviews.
I'm so bored of culture these days that the only thing I do is read books and browse the Internet. Maybe I'm just jaded from information overload.

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