
Reverend Horton Heat - Kansas City

I just decided that I am going to see the Reverend Horton Heat in Kansas City on Labor Day weekend while I'm in Missouri for vacation. If you have never been to a RHH concert, you should do it if you have a chance. I was blown away the first time I seen them play at the Belly Up Tavern in San Diego. The way "the Reverend" Jim Heath plays guitar is incredible. I wasn't expecting such a moving performance, but the concert absolutely rocked. The show started at 9 PM with some local band, then Unknown Hinson (also a great performer) and then the Rev...the show didn't end until 1:30 AM, at which time the bar security made everyone leave. The most impressive thing they did was when the Rev and the STAND UP BASS player, Jimbo, (while still holding their own instruments) played each other's instrument. That night I bought a T-shirt and the next day, nursing off a good gin hangover, I bought 3 of their CD's at Tower Records. That's how much they rocked. I've been to a lot of concerts, and this is the best one I've ever seen. At the moment, Ticketmaster is giving me problems finding tickets. I'm hoping, for the sake of some object near to me, that I don't find out they've been sold out. Nevermind...the battle with Ticketmaster is over...I've got my grubby little mitts on some tickets!

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