
The End of 2008

Bah humbug! It's been a damn good year as far as I'm concerned. When people are pessimistic, I'm an optimist.

Yes, there's been some letdowns and some disappointments, but we got Bush out of office. We've elected what is easily the best choice (in my opinion) of any President since I've been alive. Here's to hoping he can fix at least a few things. He can't fix everything in 4 years, but hopefully he can right the ship.

Some highlights of 2008:

My son is on the way. Everything is going great and he should be here soon!

I turned 30 and with that gained some weird kind of adult, humble, calm confidence. I think the majority of adulthood revolves around figuring out what you don't like. Once you figure that out, the rest is easy.

I found some amazing music this year. Good god, did I find a treasure trove of music that only makes me want more and more of it. I'm a music fiend now. Some of it I haven't even been able to digest properly because I found something instantly gratifying that caught my ear and forgot to go back to it.

We bought a house. We love our house, even though we had kind of a disconcerting shock after learning that the cul-de-sac our house faces is not, in fact, a public street. It's a privately owned street that because of some beef the owner had with the builders of our house, he doesn't want people parking on it. Not anyone! Embrace disappointment and learn to love it! Owning is really just renting because we're all gonna die! House prices keep dropping, so I'm sure by this point we're actually losing money on our house. Awesome!

I've been doing the Christmas thing now for a few years or so...every year it's the same shit. A mad scramble at the last second to purchase something, anything for whoever I can find something for. Everyone else gets nothing. I always tell myself that I'll buy something after Christmas, but I never do. Next year I'm doing my shopping early online. I'm going to sit at my computer desk in my underwear, drink bourbon on the rocks and listen to the music I want while I shop for Christmas gifts with free shipping online. Fuck driving all over the countryside looking for gifts. Fuck the crowds. Fuck the all-encompassing systematic consumerism. Festivus for the rest of us!

In the interest of time, I must be going to bed. Even though I wanted to write more, If I don't post this, I never will. Especially not before 2008 ends.