
Sarah Palin is the Bumpkin King

Sarah Palin is dumb as a rock, has a sketchy past, and has some downright scary beliefs about the world. She's a goddamn country bumpkin hockey mom. I can't even imagine how the hell she got this far. Seriously, she's scaring the shit out of anyone with any intelligence in this country. Just yesterday it was released that she has now fudged on her 2007 tax returns.

I was going to make one post containing all the Palin related items floating around the Internet over the past two weeks, but I've decided not to. Anyone who's paying attention at all can find those items.

Because she didn't completely blow it on the Biden debate, she's now being hailed as a "breath of fresh air" by some republicans. What? I can't honestly imagine how anyone could even consider this woman eligible for much more than an assistant manager at a department store. The only reason she did any better at the debate was because she was groomed to regurgitate her talking points. She wasn't asked hard questions, and when she was, she just rambled on about whatever she wanted. At times she read straight from her notepad.

I just read an interview with her where she was annoyed at the Katie Couric interview because she didn't ask enough questions about what she stood for. So basically, Katie Couric asked you simple questions about your life and beliefs and you couldn't answer them, so she's annoying? Palin just thinks she can say whatever the fuck she pleases and it's supposed to be enough? I guess it was the liberal media bias that made her come up with those answers. Where is the creative editing when you're listening to two people talk? I'm confused.

Aside from the fact that the woman is not the most eloquent speaker, she can't even answer simple, basic questions. Couric asked her what kind of newspaper she reads and she couldn't name one. In one part of the interview, she just starts rambling on autopilot, bouncing from one talking point to the next.

At the debate, the only thing she did was come up with generic, canned answers. She never said one thing of substance. And unbeknownst to me because I missed the first 25 minutes of the debate, she used the terms, "betcha", "dern right", and "Joe Six Pack." I don't see how connecting with the lowest common denominator is anything other than what it is. I think she thinks she's going to connect with the Wal-Mart shopping/redneck/troglodyte/bumpkin part of the population. God help us.

I'm just baffled at how this vapid, clueless woman is even close to becoming the Vice President.

More Financial Doom and Gloom

From an article in the Missoulian about how the local condo sales have slowed down:

Eric Hefty, developer of The Corner on Brooks Street and South Higgins Avenue, isn't as confident as Coffman, but still thinks the high-end condo market is strong.

“These are really going to be as good as you get,” Hefty said. “The people that have the ability to afford the upscale units are a little different.”
Different, eh? Thanks Mr. Hefty!