
Ed Burns Doesn't Give a Fuck About You

Ed Burns talks about storytelling in an interview about Generation Kill:

Q: And then the rest of us just hop on for the ride?

A: Yeah. We want you leaning into the punches coming off the screen so that you can try to figure out what the f--- is going on. There’s no exposition. No one’s saying, ‘that’s a grenade-launcher we have on top of our Humvee.’ We promise that we’re going to take you into dark alleys but there will be a sliver of an opening if you stick with it, a sliver of an opening you can pull yourself through. We’re not going to be there to guide you. That makes for great storytelling. It frees us from worrying about you. Frankly, we don’t give a f--- about you.
I can't wait until this premieres on Sunday night.