
Quote of the Week

This is one of the funniest things I've heard in a while. This quote comes from Curb Your Enthusiasm, but I'm not sure what season is because I haven't seen this episode (I read it on a message board). I know it's not from the first two seasons because I have those on DVD. Nonetheless, this quote is hilarious.

I'm guessing Jeff from the show was looking at some chick on the street when he said this:

"I'd fuck her with a George Bush mask." -Jeff



Do NOT Eat the Chicken Wings at Papa John's

Or at least don't try to save them in the fridge for later. Eat them all at one time if you can, after reading this.

It's been a semi-regular Friday night ritual for me to do an online order for a BBQ Hawaiian Chicken pizza (that is, chicken + a sweet BBQ sauce + bacon + onions + pineapples) from Papa John's, mostly for the fact that it will last me about a day and a half and because the pizza is damn good. An added plus is that I don't have to call anyone or go anywhere. I just go to the site, put in the order and some guy shows up at my door about 45 minutes later with a pipin' hot pizza. [On a side note, I have a deep respect for pizza delivery people. I know, I know...they get gas money, etc. Yeah, but most people don't really tip them that well because they don't see it equitable with someone waiting on you hand and foot at a restaurant. You think the guy at the restaurant filling your glass of hooch every five minutes has it bad, this guy sacrifices his own car and survival to drive to my house and bring me pizza. This is, of course, the American way.]

Back to my story. This week they had some deal about their new wings. They've finally caught up with the rest of the other pizza places. So I ordered those in addition to my regular pizza. Today, after a long day of sleeping in, getting my hair cut, and washing my car, I decided that I was going to finish off the last two pieces of pizza I ordered yesterday. I figured since there were only three wings left, I may as well eat those, too. I had the leg. Then I tried to pick up a wing, and this photo is what I got. Imagine some toxic greasy barbecue flavored bubble gum. I'm not sure what this substance is that congealed on the tin foil, but it is anything but edible, I'm sure. Needless to say, it went in the trash and I will not be ordering wings from them again. They weren't that good to begin with.

It's Holiday Time Again

My makeshift Charlie Brown Christmas tree is up again, just like last year.

Except this year I decorated the G5.


Leaving for Canada...

This was a good quote posted on a forum the other day when someone was bringing up the idea of moving to Canada.

"Hey buddy, America... Love it or leave it OK?"
"What... and be a victim of our foreign policy?" -
Bill Hicks

Anyone reading this who has never listened to Bill Hicks, you need to go out right now and do so. NOW. I just found out that they just put out a DVD of his comedy, finally. I've been waiting YEARS to see this. The DVD has 3 of his stand-up shows, totaling over 3 1/2 hours of satire and social criticism in the way that only Bill Hicks can do it.


Family Guy Audio Clips

Here's a few audio clips from my favorite show, The Family Guy.
God is Pissed!
I just Plain Don't Like You
I'm Late
Killin' Strippers
Rot in the Ground
The Ugly One
You Suck!

Photos from Montana

I've uploaded 48 photos from my Montana trip in August 2004. I put them in the August 2004 section to keep the chronology organized and so that it doesn't cause the front page of my site to take forever to load.

Here are the links to the photos (as usual, beware if you're on dial-up):
Big Sky Country
The Berkley Pit in Butte, MT
Around Butte, MT
The Lewis and Clark Caverns
The Dumas Brothel - Butte, MT