

Recently things have been extremely boring here on the ship. The only thing that we want to do is go home. We've been underway now for almost 6 months away from our friends and family. It's getting lonely and tiring out here.
I haven't updated this page in a while because there isn't much to add to it. Being in the Navy, there isn't much going on when you are underway on a ship. We did go to an island off the east coast of Africa called Seychelles that was supposed to be some sort of tourist attraction. Of course, to get there we had to go fight our way through a monsoon and then when we did get there, it wasn't anything special. If you are going to book a vacation, do not go to Seychelles. It's not that great. We are currently enroute to Singapore to do the ship turnover with the Oldendorf crew and then I'm finally done with sea duty for good. I will be attending college starting August, although I haven't signed up just yet. I have contacted them by email, but it's hard to sign up for college when you are floating in the middle of the ocean. The only things to do out here is watch movies and write. I'm just waiting to get back to San Diego where things are normal. I can't wait to go to a coffee house, get Mexican food and spend time with my girlfriend.