
The War

Mostly the only thing to report is that we've gone to war with Iraq back at the end of March. Here on the ship we were a little bit excited to do it because at first we were in the Red Sea and we got to launch Tomahawk Land Attack Cruise Missiles at Iraq. I'll just say that it is a profound experience to see one of these things get launched from the forward part of a Navy ship. The missile shoots straight up (vertical launch) and then heads in the direction of the target. After the initial launch, it was in the air about an hour and a half before striking somewhere in Iraq, my guess being Baghdad. Watching it go off is just completely surreal. I've never been on the ship when we actually did something of this nature, and my guess is that most of the other people haven't been either. When it launched, it was like a release for all the anger that these countries put on our shoulders as Americans. We live in freedom and hope for a better world. These Arab countries that are against us are nothing but hate mongers and dictators who have a country that lives in fear of them. Personally, I'm glad we went to war. I'm glad we are doing what we are doing. And for all the people out there who are against military action, get a cause. I think some of these people use this whole anti-war thing as an identity issue, focusing on making waves and getting some sort of a name for themselves instead of the real cause. I've been to these third world countries and I've seen poverty. I've seen how Arabs are. I've been around them enough to know what they are like. I've been to Saudi Arabia and Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates.